Saturday 19 July 2014

Malaysia ranked highest in online shopping take up

According to a research done by TNS on the study of online shopping behaviour in Southeast Asia for Google, more Malaysians will take to shopping online with two out of five Malaysians (43 percent) - who have never purchased online before - will start in the next 12 months.

Google Malaysia industry head Shylendra Nathan said a major factor behind the move to shop online was to save time and should present "a major opportunity for Malaysia's retail industry to reach and influence shoppers online. "The two out of five (43 percent) of Malaysians who have never shopped online and who expect to start in the next 12 months closely matches the rest of the region: the Philippines reported lowest at 40 percent and the highest figure is from Indonesia with 46 percent indicating they intend to switch to online shopping within a year."

He said half of these new online shoppers' first purchase will be clothing. Malaysia's percentage is higher than all the other countries in the survey, with the lowest reported number coming from Singapore at 31 percent. 

Overall, South East Asia looks like a great place to run an online clothes store, with this survey revealing that apparel is by far the most popular online shopping - for example, clothes are bought nearly three times as often as mobile phones or books, said Nathan.

He said consumers in Malaysia and the rest of the region do not place price as the most important factor in their online shopping experience.

When Malaysians were asked what was the single more important factor in shopping online 'saving time' was mentioned as often as 'price,' said Nathan and that this trend was repeated with shoppers across all countries surveyed except Singapore. 

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